
Apply - Candidacies

Postgraduate Title

The Postgraduate Programme “Landscape Architecture” awards:
Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture and

During the period 2003-2008 the Postgraduate Programme also awarded, in accordance with the law, PhD title in Landscape Architecture.

Duration of Studies

The Postgraduate course leading to a Master’s degree lasts at least four (4) semesters of six months each.

Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)

To enroll for the MLA degree of the Postgraduate Programme the candidates need to submit an application (Form I) to the School of Architecture, Faculty of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, attaching a copy of their Graduate degree and an academic transcript. Applications usually are submitted during May - June. Students for an MLA degree are admitted every two years. The obligations of MLA candidates as to the progress of their work are specified in accordance with the Law.

The first semester begins on October 1 of each academic year and ends on January 31. The second semester starts on February 16 and ends on June 15. Examinations for the first semester are held between February 1 and 10, and those for the second semester between the June 16 and 25.

Postgraduate students must successfully attend postgraduate courses representing 30 ECTS per semester. The MLA dissertation amounts to an additional 30 ECTS. One Credit corresponds to one teaching hour per week per semester. Class attendance is obligatory.

The research topic for the MLA dissertation is to be chosen by postgraduate students in consultation with their supervising tutors. To this end, it is advisable that a meeting should take place between student and supervisor towards the end of the first semester of postgraduate studies or at the beginning of the second semester.

The marking scale is from 0 to 10. The lowest pass mark is 6.0. Postgraduate students are obliged to successfully complete all courses of their personal programme, in the semester in which the courses are taught, with a pass mark of 6 at least.

After successfully completing all courses and submitting their postgraduate dissertation, students are obliged to defend successfully the dissertation (i.e. with a mark of 6 or better) viva voce before a three-member Examining Board, one of whose members is the supervising tutor.

Candidates Admission

Classes of Graduates

Candidates applying for the MLA degree of the Postgraduate Programme “Landscape Architecture” must be:

  1. Holders of a diploma from the School of Architecture or of the School of Agriculture of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
  2. Graduates of such Schools from other Greek Universities
  3. Holders of a diploma or degree from similar Schools abroad, recognized as being equal to those of Greek Universities
  4. Graduates in Landscape Architecture Institutions abroad recognized as equivalent.

Candidates wishing to enroll for the MLA must submit an application to the Office of the School of Architecture, Faculty of Technology, AUTh, with all necessary supporting documentation. Students for an MLA degree are admitted every two years as of the academic year 2002-2003.

The Office of the Postgraduate Studies, to which candidates for the MLA course submit their applications, forwards all applications along with the supporting documentation to the CC. Applications are to be made on special forms available from the Office. Candidates are required to submit the following documentation:

  1. The application Form
  2. A validated copy of their diploma or degree, accompanied by a certificate from DOATAP recognizing its equivalence, where required.
  3. Validated certification of their academic transcript.
  4. A curriculum vitae.
  5. A validated language certificate for at least one foreign language, e.g. the Lower or Proficiency for English, or an equivalent certificate for French, German, Italian or Spanish.
  6. A brief note presenting their specific scientific interests and their reasons for attending the MLA course.
  7. Scientific publications/ proof of professional experience.
  8. Two letters of recommendation.
  9. A copy of their identity card.
  10. A recent photograph.

Selection of Greek Candidates

Candidates for the MLA course are selected every two years by the Special Joint Committee, SJC, on the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee. No more than 25 candidates are admitted. The list of successful candidates is validated by the SJC on the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee.

The selection of candidates is based on the following criteria, which yield the number of points that each candidate has been awarded. The evaluation of the candidates, who have submitted their application with all necessary supporting documentation by the deadline for submission, is carried out in two stages.

The first stage is preliminary.
The selection criteria and their respective weighting factors have been defined as follows:

  • The final mark of the diploma or degree (a maximum of 55 points). The following are taken into consideration:
    - The mark (20)
    - The duration of studies (15: 3 years-7 points, 4 years-9 points, 5 years-12 points, Masters 15 points)
    - The Graduate courses relevant to the Postgraduate Course, the diploma dissertation or project, as well as the results achieved therein (20: 3 courses x 4 = 9-12 points, Graduate dissertation or project 4-8 points).
  • Research or professional experience of the candidate, which must be attested by certificates (a maximum of 20 points: research/academic experience 10 points, professional experience 10 points).
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals with academic or serious research and professional capacity. (a maximum of 10 points: 3-5 points x 2).
  • Knowledge of English attested by the First (3-4 points) or Proficiency (5 points) certificates. Similar distribution of points is also envisaged for other foreign languages (a maximum of 15 points: 5, 4, 3 points x 1, 2, 3 languages).
  • The maximum total of points from the first stage is 100 and has a weighting factor of 70%.

The second stage involves:
Interviews with twice as many candidates as there are places on offer. Selection is based on the order of success from the first stage. Factors evaluated in the second stage are:

  • The quality of the text presenting the research intentions and the reasons for wanting to attend the programme (50 points).
  • Basic design knowledge (linear and free-hand) - for those who are not architects.
  • Indices for the future course of research and/or the portfolio (50 points).

The scale of evaluation ranges from 0 to 100 points. This mark is calculated with a weighting factor of 30%. The results of the first and second stage of the selection are added and a list is thus complied with all candidates who have qualified for the programme. The final selection is then carried out on the basis of the order of marks (in the case of equality of marks, in the last range both candidates are admitted.

If the candidates have obtained their diploma or degree abroad, they are obliged to submit a certificate of recognition of the equivalence of the degree by DOATAP or a copy of an application for recognition of the equivalence of the degree to the DOATAP. In the latter case, the candidate may enroll for the Postgraduate Programme, if they are selected, on condition that they furnish the recognition of the equivalence of the degree before the courses start. The class of degree will be calculated on the mark decided by DOATAP Should a candidate fail to produce an equivalent title from DOATAP his or her degree mark will be taken as five (5).

Selection of foreign candidates

Foreign candidates holding a degree from a university abroad are selected according to the same criteria, i.e., the selection is based on the final mark of their degree, on their performance in the Graduate courses relevant to those of the Programme and in the Graduate dissertation, knowledge of foreign languages, involvement in research and proof of professional experience, where available, on the quality of the text presenting their research intentions and their reasons for wanting to attend the programme, on the letters of recommendation and on their basic design knowledge (linear and free-hand) - for those who are not architects.

Candidates wishing to enroll for the Postgraduate Course in Landscape Architecture are required:

  • To submit an application, along with a detailed curriculum vitae, together with a copy of their Graduate degree and certification of their academic transcript.
  • To furnish confirmation from the Coordinating Committee that their degree is related to or equal with that of the specialty in which they are interested.
  • To submit two letters of recommendation from professors, or researchers from recognized Greek or foreign Research Centers.
  • To submit a certificate of recognition of the equivalence of their degree from DOATAP or a copy of an application for recognition of the equivalence of the degree to DOATAP.

In the latter case, candidates may enroll for the Programme, and are selected on condition that they furnish recognition of the equivalence of the degree before they graduate.

Foreign candidates may enroll for the Programme provided they successfully attend the School of Greek of the AUTh during their postgraduate studies. Foreigners who have graduated from Greek Universities are selected according to the same criteria applied to Greek graduates of Greek Universities.

Scholars of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation ΙΚΥ

Scholars of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation in Landscape Architecture are accepted for the Programme at any time. They are exempted from the selection procedure, are admitted in addition to the 25 candidates allowed, and may enroll for the programme at any time, as of which the duration of their postgraduate studies is calculated. Those who succeed in the examination of the GSSF in the course of a semester may start attending courses in the following semester. In the meantime they are to be engaged on their MLA dissertation.

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