

General Stipulations

The Schools of Architecture, Faculty of Technology and Agriculture, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, with the administrative support of the School of Architecture, Faculty of Technology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, offer a Joint Programme of Postgraduate Studies entitled Landscape Architecture, in accordance with articles 10-14 of Law 2083/92 and Ministerial Decree Nr. 43146/Β7/5.5.2003 (OGG 619 Issue Β΄/20.5.2003), newer modifications, reformation according to Law 3685/08, Ministerial Decree Nr. 209730/Z1, OGG 3590 /31.12.2014)


The subject of the Postgraduate Programme is Landscape Architecture, landscape studies and projects of open space, environmental and landscape design and planning natural and man made environments. The course provides students with basic scientific principles, thorough-going knowledge, techniques and methods, as well as new technologies, which will make them competent scientists capable of creating new knowledge, the application of which will have a direct impact on landscape design, planning and sustainable management of the environment urban, rural or natural.


The aims of the Programme are:

  • to specialize technical and geotechnical scientists in landscape and environmental projects, in all categories and scales such as development, residential, transport, natural resources exploitation, tourist etc. facilities, green infrastructure and management of ecological parameters
  • ​​​​​​​to promote knowledge in the particular subject of Landscape Architecture,
  • to enhance research into the above subject, which will contribute both to the development of new technologies and to the support of the work of Architects, Agriculturists and Landscape Architects, who are active in this field,
  • to meet the needs of the public and private sectors for scientific staff in this field,
  • to meet needs of educational institutions, public and other organizations for scientific staff in this field
  • to instruct scientists from countries other than Greece in Landscape Architecture.

It therefore aims at creating specialist scientists and at the effective combination of research, teaching, and implementation regarding landscape design and planning of open spaces and environments, urban, rural or natural.

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