
Vasilis Charistos

Vasilis Charistos is an architect (Dipl. AUTh) and landscape architect (MLA) currently working on his PhD dissertation, on the subject of green infrastructure, in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has participated with distinctions in architectural competitions and exhibitions, all sharing urban public space and landscape as a common reference point.

His work, either applied or in the form of conference publications, revolves around the ongoing dialogue between landscape and urbanism and how ecological processes can work as a basis - an infrastructure - for strategic intervening in the urban and peri-urban landscape. As a PhD candidate, he is participating in academic courses in the School of Agriculture as well as the Joint Postgraduate Program ‘Landscape Architecture’ in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The latest years, he is an active member of the “Urban Transcripts” team regularly tutoring in workshops intrigued by the way that the notion of landscape could inform architectural thinking and planning for the contemporary city.

Tel: +306944697827
Email: vasilischaristos

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