
Stefanos Kostas

Stefanos Kostas born in Katerini, Greece. He holds a PhD from the Department of Biological Applications and Technologies of the University of Ioannina (2013-2018) on "Study of Cistus biodiversity in Greece and selection of genotypes for active chemicals with biotechnological approaches". He is also a B.Sc. and M.Sc. graduate of the Department of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH, Greece, 1997). From 1988-2019 he worked in the Laboratory of Floriculture, Department of Agriculture of AUTH and currently works as a Research and Teaching Staff in the same Laboratory. His research interests concern biotechnology of wild-growing floricultural plants: in particular he is interested in propagation of plants with cuttings, seeds and tissue culture, stress experiments, the use of biotechnological and metabolomic methods for plant breeding, gas and liquid chromatography and the use of molecular markers for species classification and identification of their biodiversity. He has eleven (11) publications in international journals (with peer review) and fifty-two (52) papers in International and Greek scientific conferences (with peer review). He has participated in more than 12 research projects, and the last two years participates in four research projects, three of which as Team Leader. He is a member of the Hellenic Society for Horticultural Science and of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece. 

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