
Maria Ananiadou-Tzimopoulou

Maria Ananiadou-Tzimopoulou is Emeritus Professor, School of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where she is teaching Landscape Architecture, Urban Space Design since 1974.

Born in Thessaloniki, she holds the Diploma of Agricultural Science from the School of Agriculture and Forestry AUTh, the diploma of Landscape Architect DPLG from French, Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage, Versailles and the Dr. in Landscape Architecture from the Faculty of Engineering, School of Architecture. She co-organized and until 2014 was the director of the two years master of Landscape Architecture AUTh. Member of the AUTh Environment Council since 1999, she has been elected Head of the Council during 2005-2010.

She practices landscape architecture with projects in Greece and abroad. She has been  invited from organisms and academies (MAB, COG, UNESCO, UIA, IAA…) to international workshops and competitions of urban design (Evora- Portugal, New Spitak- Armenia, Bukhara- Uzbekistan USSR, Aghia Napa, Lemesos, Larnaka- Cyprus, Ur- Perpignan France...). She manages the “architectopia” office, specializing in projects and winning competitions of urban landscape, open and public space design. She published 180 papers in scientific journals (Technika Chronika, Geotechika, Anthos, Topos, Landscape and Urban Planning, Landscape Architecture Europe, Landscape Design, IAA Journal...), in conference proceedings (IFLA, IAPS, MAB...). She participated also in exhibitions (Biennale Venice, Sofia...) and competitions with winning entries or as jury member (RSP, UIA, IAA...). She also published books. Among the projects she elaborated, 74 of them are presented in publications. For example:
Ayia Varvara park, Drama / Kodra Park, Thessaloniki, 2nd award / Pascha Gardens, Thessaloniki, 1st award / Mesa Geitonia, Lemesos, Cyprus, 1st award / Telloglion Museum, Thessaloniki / Ayios Kosmas Seafront, Athens / Veroia’s urban network / Agias Sofias Axis, Thessaloniki. 2nd award / Egnatia Highway Alexandroupoli – Kipoi / Ayia Varvara dam, Aliakmonas river.

Member of the Geotechnical Chamber of Greece (GEOT.GG), Panhellenic Association of Landscape Architects (PSAT), Societe Francaise des Paysagistes DPLG (S.F.P.), Association des anciens eleves (E.N.S.P.).

Building of Postgraduate Studies, School of Architecture, AUTh
Tel. 2310-995565/4372,
fax: 2310- 994399

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